Join Cyrus Webb and guest co-host Mary E. Gilder every Sunday morning at 10:30a.m. EST (9:30a.m. CST/7:30a.m. PT) for "Inspirational Conversations" on or call 310.634.1914. They help you kick off your week with a message of encouragement and motivation. Have questions or topics you want discussed on the program? Email Webb at or call 601.896.5616.


Monday, December 20, 2010

(Sun. Dec. 19, 2010) Mary's Motivational Message

              The Greatest Gift On Your Holiday List (a tribute to our family Elders)

(Sun. Dec. 18, 2010) Today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show, Mary shared how many of us spend so much of our time, countless hours making that list and checking it twice. We stress and second guess about our ability or lack of, to meet some unrealistic Holiday expectation. Mary shared how for the first time in many years, there is nothing that she desires for Christmas from a materialistic stance and how there is such power in that. She also shared how she feels a need to give of herself in a way that will transcend the recipients heart, while expanding hers.

Mary spoke of how her great Aunt gave of herself in such a beautiful way and how she learned so much from her stating,"I listened very closely to her stories, her wisdom and life instructions. I learned more from my Aunt than any history class. We would just sit for hours engaging in this beautiful connection. She gave to me a piece of her soul, in the hope that I would grow to appreciate family, my life's journey and the journey of those who paved the path, I now travel. And her greatest hope, was that I would grow, to have endless gratitude for GOD and I do."

Mary encourage all to make a list of the Elders within their life and to create a plan of action to connect with them. And to just shower them with love because many of them feel that we are all to busy, to make them a priority.

Today's show concluded with Mary stressing that the most profound expression of love, your greatest gift this Holiday Season, is actually within you. It's your time, your energy and your ability to extend love. Its' value will far exceed any item on your gift list and its impact will last beyond your life time.

Another Inspiring Day on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show,

Mary E. Gilder (author) - A Misrepresentation of Myself

Sunday, December 19, 2010

(Sun. Dec. 19, 2010) Today on "Inspirational Conversations"

(Sun. Dec. 19, 2010) On today's edition of Inspirational Conversations listeners were treated to the song "Everyday Is Christmas" by recording artist Patrice Wilson, a great message about the perfect gift by Mary E. Gilder, and the book selection THE WORLD I IMAGINE by author Debbie Jordan! Listen to the podcast for FREE here:!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

(Sun. Dec. 12, 2010) Mary's Motivational Message: JOY

Today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Mary explored, why do others question our JOY. Actually, Mary shared how she overheard a group of individuals voicing their concern with those who appear to be a tad bit "too" JOYFUL. What most concerned Mary was that there appeared to be overwhelming support of this stance. Mary shared Websters Dictionary definition of JOY, which is:  A Joy based on how ones life is defined within any given moment. Mary also searched a book authored by her favorite novelist and read several scriptures pertaining to HIS kind of JOY. The Scriptures are: Nehemiah 8:10, John 15:11, Psalms 5:11, Zephaniah 3:17.
Mary closed the segment by stating: "For those of you who continuously question those who walk in faith and embrace JOY, you who question those who refuse to allow a circumstance, to waiver their JOY, my favorite author Jehovah GOD said." ; "Honor and Majesty are found in HIS presence, strength and JOY are found in HIS sanctuary."
The roof, the roof...the Holy Roof was on fire, today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show.
Stay deep in faith and JOY,
Mary E. Gilder (author) A Misrepresentation of Myself

Sunday, December 12, 2010

(Sun. Dec. 12, 2010) Today on Inspirational Conversations

Join Cyrus Webb and author Mary E. Gilder for todays edition of "Inspirational Conversations" when the song of the day will be "I Wouldn't" by recording artist EsTee, Mary's Motivational Message on Joy and the book of the week, A MISREPRESENTATION OF MY MYSELF by Mary E. Gilder. Listen here:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

(Sun. Dec. 5, 2010) Mary's Motivational Message: "Workplace Storm"


Host Mary E. Gilder addressed a letter that was forwarded to her from a woman who was faced with adversity on her job. She stated that for the past year, the job had become more about who is dating who, gossip, whispers, jealousy, negativity, pettiness and on and on and on. She asked if Mary could throw a little bit of inspiration and confidence her way, so that her spirit could be up lifted, in what God would have her do. She wants to believe that she can move beyond the negativity of people but at this moment, is not sure if this desire can be achieved.

Mary shared how we all report to the work force with a tool belt of values and how rather positive or negative, they exist. And how these values guide our thought process, our actions, reactions and the way we engage with others. The foundation of these values are: Your personal value system, Professional code of ethics and God's expectation. Mary reminded all that it is God's expectation that we treat each other with love,dignity and respect.
Mary extended praised for the letter being submitted and for having the courage to turn her discouragement into words. Mary encouraged all to remember the following: Be clear about the expectations you have for yourself, allow your professional Code of Ethics to guide you and don't waiver from God's expectation. Mary closed the show with this powerful message,"God has such a wonderful sense of humor. He will place you in a situation where your assignment, is to simply be a model of his expectations, so that in turn, others will take notice and chose to model your example.
Another great morning,
Peace and Joy,
Mary E. Gilder -author of-A misrepresentation of Myself 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

(Sun. Nov. 28, 2010) TAKING CARE OF YOU


Today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show, Mary discussed how even if you live to be one-hundred years old, your visit however sweet, is short. And if you truly understand this reality, why are so many not making their health care needs a priority? Mary went on to share how the funerals she's attending, are for her friends in their thirties and forties. There passing aways from heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and various stress related illnesses.

Mary stated that the Seniors are thriving and that her generation is failing to make their health care needs a priority. Adding that for many, we treat our health as though we have a life time to address what ever we fail to address within this very moment. All were encouraged to make a commitment to be conscious about what can be implemented, to achieve this goal. Just small steps in the right direction, is a good start.

Another powerful day on Inspirational Conversations Radio.

Mary E. Gilder
Author of the award winning novel, A Misrepresentation of Myself