Join Cyrus Webb and guest co-host Mary E. Gilder every Sunday morning at 10:30a.m. EST (9:30a.m. CST/7:30a.m. PT) for "Inspirational Conversations" on or call 310.634.1914. They help you kick off your week with a message of encouragement and motivation. Have questions or topics you want discussed on the program? Email Webb at or call 601.896.5616.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

(Sun. May 29, 2011) This Week On Inspirational Conversations

(Sunday, May 29, 2011) Today on Inspirational Conversations hosts Cyrus Webb and Mary E. Gilder introduced "You Raise Me Up" by singing sensation Josh Groban as the song of the week, Mary delivered her Motivational Message, and Webb ended the show with his book selection LESSONS FOR THE LIVING by author Stan Goldberg. Listen to the show here:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

(Sun. May 15, 2011) Mary's Sunday Blog (Giving A Shout-Out To Others)


Over the years so much has been said about the EGO. I refer to an out of control EGO as (The ME Syndrome).Today's show focused on how for many, it's very easy to view the world from just one perspective; your own. And its easy to view all outcomes and every encounter that you engage in through your set of lenses. Even if the lenses are desperately in-need of a new prescription, it somehow always boils down to you and your perspective. In addition, I went on to explain how it's easy make the focus on all of the negativity going on within your own life, the center of all discussions. Someone can ask you a simple question such as, "how are you" and you spend 15-minutes in endless chatter about all that's not right within your life. The focus of any conversation, positive or negative, remains on you.

Those of you who follow me know that I stress the importance of honoring yourself. I'm in love with love and believe in maintaining a positive spirit. In addition, I stress the importance of thinking outside of "your box", expanding your reach and looking beyond all that pertains to you. I want you to think about your journey in relation to the journey of others and look at the correlations. How the journey of one adds to that of another, in some direct or indirect way. I went on to state that in my opinion, life is like a recipe, everyone adding an ingredient and a experience that adds richness and substance. A richness not only to their experience but to yours as well.

Wherever you are, whatever you have attained, was made available to you with some level of collaboration. Sometimes as we give praise to our selves, we just need to also extend a shout out to others. In doing so we remind ourselves that this journey is not only about us, it's actually a collaboration. All were encouraged to set aside time today, and send a shout out to those who have helped you along your journey or to those in-need of a shout out.

Praising ourselves as well as others this morning on Inspirational Conversation Radio Show.

Much Love,
Mary E. Gilder author of the award winning novel, A Misrepresentation of Myself,

Mary E. Gilder
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(Sun. May 15, 2011) Today's Edition of Inspirational Conversations

(Sun. May 15, 2011) Today's edition of Inspirational Conversations included the song of the week "Best In Me" by Marvin Sapp. Mary's motivational message discussed the importance of giving credit to those in our lives who make us who we are. The book of the week is BE REAL AND GREAT NOW by author Zenaida Roy-Almario. Zenaida is using her book sales until July 2011 to help Nathan Lev, a 7 year cancer patient. Listen to the podcast here:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

(Sun. May 8, 2011) Mary's Motivational Message

(A Tribute to Moms)

Today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show, Cyrus and I honored MOMS. The show opened with a wonderful song titled "MOMMA". The selection brought me to tears because it was so fitting. Following the song selection, I shared with our radio audience how I presented our face book friends with this question, "How has being a mom enhanced your journey." I was in boxed by several moms who gave me permission to share their responses. All provided insight as to how and why moms love as deeply as we do. I shared three of the responses with our radio audience.

All moms were encouraged to set aside time on Mother's Day, to convey their thoughts to their families because it's important that our families understand the following: we love them unconditionally, we never lose the will to be their biggest cheer-leader, advocate, motivator, mentor, life coach, therapist, teacher, spiritual adviser; as well as, maintaining a strong desire to protect because our tour of duty will never end, you will always be your mom's poo-bear.

All tuning in were encouraged to honor that special mom in their life with their time. Gifts are appreciated however, the greatest gift that will stand the test of time, is your time. The show concluded with all being reminded to treasure all that the mom within their life symbolizes. In addition, to make a commitment to recognize and celebrate Mother's Day on some level each and everyday.

Wishing you endless JOY,
Mary E. Gilder Author of the award winning novel, A Misrepresentation of Myself
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

(Sun. May 8, 2011) Today's Edition Of Inspirational Conversations

(Sun. May 8, 2011) On this Mother's Day edition of Inspirational Conversations, hosts Cyrus Webb and Mary E. Gilder made it an opportunity to celebrate mothers worldwide. The show began with Boyz 2 Men's "Tribute To Mama", followed by Mary's Motivational Message and then for the first time in almost 8 years, Webb's mother (Zattie Webb Sims) joined the show! The book of the week is HALF THE SKY by authors Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Listen here:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

(Sun. May 1, 2011) Mary's Sunday Blog


Today Cyrus A. Webb and I joyfully returned to Inspirational Conversations Radio Show after being on a one month vacation. Sometimes you need to take a break and connect with your thoughts. I shared with our radio audience how my goal had been to discuss something light but after spending time at my literary "spot", I was moved in a different direction. I challenged our radio audience to think about their life up until the very moment of 11:59pm Saturday night. I wanted then to reflect on what was weighing on their heart, what was weighing them down. In addition, they were all instructed to close their eyes and reflect on their life within that very moment and to focus on who they where angry at or who they had a rift with. Our radio audience was also encouraged to focus their regrets.

In my opinion, it is so easy to say to another, "live each and everyday as though were your last," many have been encouraged, instructed or pleaded with to treasure each and everyday. And I shared how for many such as myself, it has been told to us by individuals on their death bed.

The audience was also encouraged to play it forward. They were told to imagine receiving a phone call on Monday morning stating that, that day would be their last day on earth. They were asked to reflect on their life within that very moment: What would be weighing on their heart, who would be weighing on their heart, what anger would they harbor or release, who would they make peace with, what places would they journey too and what people would they make time to see.

I shared how I was certain that all would live that day with no regrets but most of all, they would let go of every stressor, and let go of negative thoughts except for LOVE. Within in that moment I'm certain that most would align with LOVE and treasure all that is dear. Also, wishing within that moment each had time, more time, to make things RIGHT. All were reminded that if they awoke that morning, they were blessed with just that: more time; another day of living. It was recommended to all that if they did nothing else, it was the wish of Cyrus and I, that they treasure not just that day, but to live each and every day, as though it were their last.

Love, Peace and Joy...24/7,
Mary E. Gilder-Author of, A Misrepresentation of Myself,

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

(Sun. May 1, 2011) Today on Inspirational Conversations

Inspirational Conversations returned this morning w/hosts Mary Gilder and Cyrus Webb! Featured recording artist is Tene Williams and the book of the week is LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT by Carl Mathis. Catch the podcast here:

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