Join Cyrus Webb and guest co-host Mary E. Gilder every Sunday morning at 10:30a.m. EST (9:30a.m. CST/7:30a.m. PT) for "Inspirational Conversations" on or call 310.634.1914. They help you kick off your week with a message of encouragement and motivation. Have questions or topics you want discussed on the program? Email Webb at or call 601.896.5616.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

(Sun. Feb. 27, 2011) This Week's Edition of Inspirational Conversations

(Sunday, February 27, 2011) On this week's edition of Inspirational Conversations hosts Cyrus Webb and author Mary E. Gilder includes music by Celine Dion (Love You More), Mary's Motivational Message and the book of the week UNLOVED by The Author Project. Listen to it here:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

(Sun. Feb. 20, 2011) Mary's Motivational Message

Many of you have stated that you desire more love within your life. Yet, when
it's in your face you question, reject and ridicule those who exude love. On
Sunday morning Inspirational Conversations Radio Show host Cyrus A. Webb and
Mary E. Gilder, explored what is love. Webster's Dictionary describes many
definitions from Brotherly love, romantic love, self love etc.
Mary shared how the Bible indicates that love is from GOD. In fact, the Bible
states GOD is love. Love is one of the primary characteristics of GOD. Likewise,
GOD has endowed us with the capacity for love. Love is one of the ways in which
we are created, in the image of GOD. Furthermore, the New Testament uses two
different words to describe and define love. AGAPE represents GOD'S love. It is
non-partial and unconditional. In contrast, our love is all based on the
familiar, direct interaction and our emotions. This is referred to as PHILEO.

Mary shared a conversation that she and Cyrus had noting that as individuals
move closer towards AGAPE love, they are questioned. When we observe those with
unconditional love, we question it. Mary suggested to all that if they desire
more love within their life, then they need to align with GOD and reframe from
placing a condition on the love within their heart. The show concluded with the
reading of 1st Corinthian 13:1-13.
Nothing but love extended today on Inspirational Conversations Radio

Mary E. Gilder author
Misrepresentation of Myself 

(Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011) Today's Edition of Inspirational Conversations

On today's edition of Inspirational Conversations featured on Blogtalkradio, hosts Cyrus Webb and author Mary E. Gilder give you the song of the week ("Preparation" by Min. Marcus Jennings), book of the week (I HAD EVERY EXCUSE TO FAIL, BUT I CHOSE NONE by author Sebastian K. Young) and Mary's Motivational Message. Listen to the podcast here:

Friday, February 18, 2011

(Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011) Mary's Motivational Message

Last Sunday, just one day prior to Valentines day, I shared how it appears that LOVE has it's own special Holiday. It is my belief that Valentines Day is a beautiful  "thang ". It's an additive, appetizer and compliment to the main event. The main event being good old fashion LOVE. I also shared how each and every year we do this dance while being worried, burnt out, stressed out and then like a cool evening breeze...Valentines Day is over, shut down and forgotten by many.
I ask the question: Is it possible to lose oneself in LOVES many facets or is LOVE'S Holiday simply an indulgence? An indulgence reserved for one special day and if so, why not experience such an indulgence, three hundred and sixty-five days out of any given year. I also shared my belief that LOVE'S Holiday is about embracing LOVE. The LOVE of your spouse, LOVE of your boyfriend or girlfriend. The LOVE of your children, the LOVE you hold for extended family and friends. We give the day restrictions and why do we do so. I encourage all to be less restricted. As we moved past Valentines Day, I encouraged all to be mindful of this truth, LOVE'S Holiday is what you proclaim it to be. It can be as short as one day or as long as each and everyday of you life.
Nothing but LOVE shared today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show,
Love, Peace and Joy,
Mary E. Gilder author of, "A Misrepresentation of Myself "

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

(Sun. Feb. 6, 2011) Mary's Motivational Message: Success

Today on Inspirational Conversations Radio Show, your host Mary E. Gilder and Cyrus A.Webb re-visited the meaning of the word SUCCESS. Mary shared her belief of how certain topics need to be explored yearly. Mary asked all to reflect on the following question, do you ever find yourself reflecting on the following: how do I measure up, have I achieved enough, do I have enough or are am I where I'm suppose to be? Mary shared a dream that she had that pertained to how many of us hold the idea that success is based on power and prestige. And many of us judge others based on our perceptions of what success looks like.
Mary advised all not to waste time or energy, comparing and measuring our personal success with that of another. We are all on are own individual path, a road map designed by GOD.  Mary added by saying that the mere fact that you are on a journey and you're committed to the journey and you are engaged in the experience, makes you successful. Success is not only attained by reaching some end result.
Mary ended the segment by encouraging all to set aside a little selfish time and think about what personal success means to you.  Also, is your journey thus far reflective of that vision as well as, GODS vision for your life.
Another beautiful morning on Inspirational Conversations radio Show.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

(Sun. Feb. 6, 2011) Today on Conversations LIVE

(Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011) On this episode of "Inspirational Conversations" hosts Cyrus Webb bring you another great show with music by recording artist Abraham McDonald, the book of the week by author Alean McIntyre Adams and Mary's motivational message. Listen here: